Sunday, May 10, 2015

Just before meeting Wren

This morning we met with our guide and exchanged American money for Chinese money.  He told us to expect Wren to be very afraid and that we would need to be very patient.  Part of her story is that she developed a rash and was put into quarantine for a month before we got her referral.  He told us that when he first met her he was afraid for her that she would never be placed in a family because she would not respond at all. However, after being switched to the special focus program she has received more attention and is doing better, but has a long way to go.  We knew all of this when we were matched with her, but when he pulled us aside to share that she seems very traumatized was scary.  My heart breaks for her being mainly alone for a month.  I can't wait to meet her in about 2 hours.  We are ready to love and support her and get her the help she needs to continue healing.  

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